Outdoor Play
November 21, 2018
Altona Kindergarten Community Fete 2019 (Past Event)
August 31, 2019Did you know we have a pet at kinder? Well, actually we have two!
We have Creamy the rabbit who lives in a lovely big hutch in our yard and we have Emily the bird who lives inside our kinder room.
During kinder sessions, the children are allowed to release Creamy from his hutch and he is free to roam the yard.
At the beginning of the year, Creamy is always a great source of entertainment for the children who like to follow him and see what he gets up to. Our educators always make sure to explain to the children we have to let him be and can follow him from a distance. The children are very good at being gentle with Creamy and only approaching him slowly and never chasing him. As the year goes by, Creamy becomes a normal part of the kinder landscape.
The children take great pride in helping to look after our kinder pets, by feeding them and making sure they have enough water.