Altona Kindergarten works to the National Quality Framework, which aims to raise the quality and drive continuous improvement in the education and care of your child. A key aspect of this framework is the National Quality standard. It gives services and families a better understanding of a quality service, helping families to make informed decisions about kindergarten. The standard bring together 7 key quality areas that are important to the outcomes for children.
- Educational program and practice
- Children’s health and safety
- Physical environment
- Staffing arrangements
- Relationships with children
- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
- Leadership and service management.
Within the 7 key qualities are a total of 18 standards to achieve and 58 elements to define the outcomes that contribute to the standard being achieved.
In May 2017, Altona Kindergarten underwent an assessment of our standards based upon the National Quality Framework. We are proud to advise that Altona Kindergarten has AGAIN received a Quality Rating Assessment of “EXCEEDING” in the 7 quality areas that were examined.
As part of the quality process, Altona Kindergarten has a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to document our continuous improvement processes. We welcome ideas from our families on how we can continue to maintain our high standard of education and care.
You will find a copy of Altona Kindergarten’s QIP on display in the foyer at kinder.
For further explanation of the National Quality Framework, please click on the links below (will open in new window).